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crushing doubt

May 20, 2021

Today, I am joined by Barb, who suffers from sciatica, back pain, and a number of other symptoms. This four session consultation shows how each person can fill out their individual columns on their mind body map so that they can understand the role of emotions, doubt, and power in their chronic pain or symptoms, as well some specific action steps the sufferer can take to create their own program to get better, using my overarching system. I was so appreciative that she showed the bravery and openness to engage in the actual process with me so that we can bring to all of you a direct view of how the work goes and what it looks like.

In this first session, I orient her to the mind body map work and we began to develop her emotional themes, so that she can recognize the broad, high stakes, but specific experiences and feelings that can lead to the onset and uptick in symptoms. Among the themes we hit upon were not feeling she could be noticed for who she was, needing to strive for attention, feeling different in ways that made her feel bad, giving up control to other people, and more. We talked about how she will feel so much better and with significantly more hope once she understands the mind body experience and how it works inside and out.

This is the first of four meetings with Barb, so that you can see the full mind body mapping process, how it works, and why. She and I will continue to get her emotional themes articulated, polished, and honed, until she is able to understand each symptom onset or uptick through this lens, giving her the tools to disable the mind body pain process from these acute moments of suffering. I look forward to carrying this process forward with her and hope it is of value to you all to see how the process works!