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crushing doubt

Feb 27, 2021

On our How To Series, we turn, today, to understanding mind body symptoms that manifest mainly (or exclusively) during the night. Each sufferer knows their own pain and symptoms profile and patterns quite well and many have asked me about what it means when they do not tend to have symptoms during the day, but frequently — or always — do at night.

The first distinction I make in this video is that nighttime poses a different set of variables to deal with and, at some level, we know what is coming. Sleep is a time of separation from others and having to cope with our problems all by ourselves. Furthermore, it hearkens back to whatever this time was like in our childhoods, making it a time of particular vulnerability for everyone, even if many are not consciously aware of it. I talk about the connection to mortality issues and how it is a time that is also closer to unconscious processes, both of which contribute to the intensity and symptoms of this time of day.

In addition to outlining the differences between daytime and nighttime symptoms, I offer a number of thoughts on how to use this information to have an easier time with nighttime symptoms. Included in this are the ideas of taking some time at night to focus on themes of the day or the major themes of your Emotions Column, bringing your intellect into your unconscious process more, understanding dreams, and knowing which kind of themes tend to apply to sleep.

Each installment of the How To Series is designed to give you insight into another aspect of mind body living, including strategies to employ with this new level of understanding. I hope you all get a lot out of it and please put your comments below.